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Eros Ramazzotti e Giorgia, un duetto... INEVITABILE

Eros Ramazzotti and Giorgia, a duet... INEVITABILE - The new album of the italian singer G ... + .....

Benvenuta Raffaela Maria

Welcome Raffaela Maria - Borns today August, 2nd - 2011 the daughter of Eros Ramazzotti an ... + .....

Eros Ramazzotti e Universal Music Group dal 2011 assieme

Eros Ramazzotti and Universal Music Group together from 2011 - Eros Ramazzotti and Univers ... + .....

(Libri) Eros Ramazzotti di Michele Monina

(Books) Eros Ramzzotti by Michele Monina - Available in Italy the book writen by Michele M ... + .....

Su Vanity fair, copertina e intervista per Eros Ramazzotti

On Vanity Fair, cover and long interview for Eros Ramazzotti and Marica. Sulla rivista ... + .....

Sanremo Story in dvd, con Eros Ramazzotti

With the italian magazine Sorrisi e Canzoni (starting from 15.02.2011), comes a new series ... + .....

Eros Ramazzotti premiato col Die Goldene Kamera 2011, in Germania

Eros Ramazzotti awarded with the Goldene Kamera 2011, in Germany - Tv broadcasted on ZDF ( ... + .....

Eros live world tour 2009-2010, il dvd è in vendita in tutto il mondo

Eros live world tour 2009-2010, the dvd for sell all over the world - The new cd+dvd live ... + .....

Eros Ramazzotti e Giorgia, un duetto... INEVITABILE

Eros Ramazzotti and Giorgia, a duet... INEVITABILE - The new album of the italian singer Giorgia (Dietro le apparenze - 6th of September 2011) includes the duet, wrote and singed with Eros Ramazzotti: INEVITABILE. In 1996 Eros wrote for Giorgia the song COME SAPREI (winner of Festival di ...

Eros Ramazzotti - Tour, concerti, show...

Eros Ramazzotti is NOT in tour. Click on the link below for all the most recent informations. Eros Ramazzotti NON è in tour. Clicca sul link qui sotto per tutte le informazioni piu recenti. ...

Eros Ramazzotti - Biography in english, español, francaise, deutsch

Born on October 28, 1963 in Cinecittà, in Rome, “where it is easier to dream than look reality in the eyes”, Eros spends his childhood... (download the file) Eros Ramazzotti nace el 28 de Octubre del 1963 en el barrio de Cinecittà en Roma, “donde los sueños son más reales que plantarle ...

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