_sw585_ Stormtrooper (Printed Legs) (75055) (nome su Bricklink)
Stormtrooper (p. 62, Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011)
Related minifigs:
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Set(s) of appearance:
75055-1 Imperial Star Destroyer (2014 - ) | 1324 p. (inv) 7 minifig: Mouse Droid - Black / Dark Bluish Gray _sw156_, Imperial Officer (75055) _sw582_, Imperial Navy Trooper (75055) _sw583_, Imperial Crew (75055) _sw584_, 2x Stormtrooper (Printed Legs) (75055) _sw585_, Darth Vader (Tan Head) (75055) _sw586_ (
sw156, sw582, sw583, sw584, sw585, sw586,
75060-1 Slave I - UCS (2015 - Ep. V) ucs | 1975 p. (inv) 4 minifig: Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Blue Helmet Vents) _sw585_, Boba Fett - Pauldron, Helmet, Jet Pack, Printed Arms and Legs _sw610_, Bespin Guard - Light Flesh Head, Detailed Gold Trim _sw611_, Han Solo, Reddish Brown Legs without Holster Pattern (Carbonite, Light Flesh, Dual Sided Head) _sw612_ (
sw585, sw610, sw 611, sw 612,
2 total