_sw366_ Stormtrooper (Detailed Armor, Patterned Head, Dotted Mouth Pattern) (9489) (nome su Bricklink)
Stormtrooper (p. 62, Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011)
Related minifigs:
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Set(s) of appearance:
9489-1 Endor Rebel Trooper and Imperial Trooper Battle Pack (2012 - Ep. VI) | 61 p. (inv) 4 minifig: Scout Trooper (Patterned Head, Dk Bluish Gray Torso Pattern) (9489) _sw005b_, Stormtrooper (Detailed Armor, Patterned Head, Dotted Mouth Pattern) (9489) _sw366_, Rebel Commando - Dark Tan Vest (9489) _sw367_, Rebel Commando - Stubble (9489) _sw368_ (
sw005b, sw366, sw367, sw368,
10236-1 Ewok Village (2013 - Ep. VI) | 1990 p. (inv) 17 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Chief Chirpa (Ewok) _sw236_ , Logray (Ewok) _sw338_, C-3PO - Colorful Wires Pattern (9490) _sw365_, 2x Stormtrooper (Detailed Armor, Patterned Head, Dotted Mouth Pattern) (9489) _sw366_, Rebel Commando - Dark Tan Vest (9489) _sw367_, Han Solo (75003) _sw451_, Princess Leia (10236) _sw504_, 2x Scout Trooper _sw505_, Ewok Warrior (10236) _sw508_, Luke Skywalker (10236) _sw509_, Teebo (Ewok)_sw510_, Rebel Commando with Beard and Angry Dual Face _sw511_, R2-D2 (Flat Silver Head) _sw512_, Wicket (Ewok) with Tan Face Paint Pattern _sw513_ (
sw011a, sw236, sw338, sw365, sw366, sw367, sw451, sw504, sw505, sw508, sw509, sw509, sw511, sw512, sw513,
2 total