_sw402_ Jabba The Hutt - Tan Face (Complete Assembly) (nome su Bricklink)
Jabba the Hutt (p. 117, Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011)
Related minifigs:
Jabba the Hutt,
Notes to "Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011": ...
Set(s) of appearance:
9516-1 Jabba's Palace (2012 - Ep. VI) | 717 p. (inv) 9 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Jabba The Hutt - Tan Face (Complete Assembly) _sw402_, Han Solo, Reddish Brown Legs without Holster Pattern (9516) _sw403_, Bib Fortuna - Bared Teeth (9516) _sw404_, Gamorrean Guard (9516) _sw405_, Oola (9516) _sw406_, Boushh (9516) _sw407_, Salacious B. Crumb (9516) _sw408_, B'Omarr Monk (9516 - Complete Assembly) _sw412_ (
sw011a, sw402, sw403, sw404, sw405, sw406, sw407, sw408, sw412,
) GER |
75020-1 Jabba’s Sail Barge (2013 - Ep. VI) | 848 p. (inv) 6 minifig: R2-D2 with Serving Tray (Dark Tan 2 x 4 plate) - Set 75020 _sw028b_, Jabba The Hutt - Tan Face (Complete Assembly) _sw402_, Ree-Yees (75020) _sw483_, Princess Leia - Slave Outfit (75020) _sw485_, Max Rebo (75020) _sw486_, Weequay Skiff Guard (75020) _sw487_ (
sw028b, sw402, sw483, sw485, sw486, sw487,
2 total