_sw011_ Chewbacca (Brown) (nome su Bricklink)
Chewbacca (p. 50, Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011)
Related minifigs:
Notes to "Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011": ...
Set(s) of appearance:
3342-1 Chewbacca and 2 Biker Scouts - Star Wars #3 (2000 - Ep. VI) minifig pack | 22 p. (inv) 3 minifig: Scout Trooper _sw005_, Chewbacca (Brown) _sw011_ (
sw005, sw011,
7190-1 Millennium Falcon (2000 - Ep. IV) | 659 p. (inv) 6 minifig: C-3PO - Pearl Light Gold _sw010_, Chewbacca (Brown) _sw011_, Han Solo, Blue Legs (Falcon) _sw014_, Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) _sw021_, Princess Leia _sw026_, R2-D2 _sw028_ (
sw010, sw011, sw014, sw021, sw026, sw028,
7127-1 Imperial AT-ST (2001 - Ep. VI) | 107 p. (inv) 1 minifig: Chewbacca (Brown) _sw011_ (
4504-2 Millennium Falcon (2004 - Ep. IV) black box| 985 p. (inv) 5 minifig: C-3PO - Pearl Light Gold _sw010_, Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Han Solo, Tan Legs, Reddish Brown Male Hair (Falcon redesign, Light Flesh) _sw081_, Princess Leia (Hoth Outfit, Bun Hair) _sw113_, Snowtrooper, Light Bluish Gray Hips, White Hands _sw115_ (
sw010, sw011a, sw081, sw113, sw115,
) Original Trilogy edition black box, also exist in blue box |
4504-1 Millennium Falcon (2004 - Ep. IV) blue box| 985 p. (inv) 5 minifig: C-3PO - Pearl Light Gold _sw010_, Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Snowtrooper, Light Bluish Gray Hips, Black Hands (Falcon blue box) _sw080_, Han Solo, Tan Legs, Reddish Brown Male Hair (Falcon redesign, Light Flesh) _sw081_, Princess Leia (Hoth Outfit, Bun Hair) _sw113_ (
sw010, sw011a, sw080, sw081, sw113,
) Blue box, also exist in OT box |
7260-1 Wookie Catamaran (2005 - Ep. III) | 367 p. (inv) 6 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Yoda _sw051_, Luminara Unduli with Light-Up Lightsaber Complete Assembly _sw116_, 2x Clone Trooper Ep.3, Green Markings _sw129_, Wookiee Warrior _sw132_ (
sw011a, sw051, sw116, sw129, sw132,
) With try-me lightsaber option |
6212-2 X-wing Fighter (2006 - Ep. IV) exclusive| 437 p. (inv) 6 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, R2-D2 _sw028_, Han Solo, Reddish Brown Legs with Holster Pattern (Light Flesh) - Set 6212 _sw088_, Wedge Antilles _sw089_, Luke Skywalker (Pilot, Light Flesh) _sw090_, Princess Leia (Hoth Outfit, Bun Hair) _sw113_ (
sw011a, sw028, sw088, sw089, sw090, sw113,
) exclusive box, also available in standard box |
6212-1 X-wing Fighter (2006 - Ep. IV) | 437 p. (inv) 6 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, R2-D2 _sw028_, Han Solo, Reddish Brown Legs with Holster Pattern (Light Flesh) - Set 6212 _sw088_, Wedge Antilles _sw089_, Luke Skywalker (Pilot, Light Flesh) _sw090_, Princess Leia (Hoth Outfit, Bun Hair) _sw113_ (
sw011a, sw028, sw088, sw089, sw090, sw113,
) standard box, also available in exclusive box |
10179-2 UC's Millennium Falcon (2007 - Ep. IV) ucs | 5195 p. (inv) 5 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old, Light Flesh) _sw174_, Princess Leia (White Dress, Light Flesh) _sw175_, Luke Skywalker (Tatooine, Light Flesh) _sw176_, Han Solo (Black Vest, Light Flesh) _sw179_ (
sw011a, sw174, sw175, sw176, sw179,
10179-1 UC's Millennium Falcon (2007 - Ep. IV) ucs limited edition logo| 5195 p. (inv) 5 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old, Light Flesh) _sw174_, Princess Leia (White Dress, Light Flesh) _sw175_, Luke Skywalker (Tatooine, Light Flesh) _sw176_, Han Solo (Black Vest, Light Flesh) _sw179_ (
sw011a, sw174, sw175, sw176, sw179,
) 1 to 1500 released; logo on box |
10188-1 Death Star (2008 - Ep. IV) | 3803 p. (inv) 24 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, 2x Royal Guard with Black Hands _sw040a_, Darth Vader (Death Star) _sw209_, Emperor Palpatine (Death Star) _sw210_, Mouse Droid _sw156_, Grand Moff Tarkin _sw157_, Princess Leia (White Dress, Light Flesh) _sw175_, C-3PO - Pearl Gold with Pearl Gold Hands _sw161a_, Luke Skywalker (Tatooine, Light Flesh) _sw176_, Han Solo (Black Vest, Light Flesh) _sw179_, 2x Stormtrooper (Black Head, Dotted Mouth Pattern) _sw188_, Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper outfit) _sw204_, Han Solo (Stormtrooper outfit) _sw205_, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old, Light Flesh with Hood and Cape) _sw206_, Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) _sw207_, 2x Imperial Trooper _sw208_, Interrogation Droid _sw211_, Protocol Droid _sw212_, R2-Q5 _sw213_, Assassin Droid (White) _sw215_, R2-D2 (Light Bluish Gray Head) _sw217_ (
sw011a, sw040a, sw209, sw210, sw156, sw157, sw161a, sw175, sw176, sw179, sw188, sw204, sw205, sw206, sw207, sw208, sw211, sw212, sw213, sw215, sw217,
8038-1 The Battle of Endor (2009 - Ep. VI) | 890 p. (inv) 12 minifig: 2x Scout Trooper (Black Head, Dk Bluish Gray Torso Pattern) _sw005a_, Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Han Solo (Black Vest, Light Flesh) _sw179_, Imperial Trooper _sw208_, R2-D2 (Light Bluish Gray Head) _sw217_, Princess Leia (Endor Outfit) _sw235_, Chief Chirpa (Ewok) _sw236_, Wicket (Ewok) _sw237_, Paploo (Ewok) _sw238_, Rebel Commando Frown _sw239_, Rebel Commando Beard _sw240_ (
sw005a, sw011a, sw179, sw208, sw217, sw235, sw236, sw237, sw238, sw239, sw240,
COMCON008 collectible display set 3 - Han (Stormtrooper), Luke (Stormtrooper), Chewbacca (2009 - Ep. IV) promo display set| 5 p. (inv) 3 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper outfit) _sw204_, Han Solo (Stormtrooper outfit) _sw205_ (
sw011a, sw204, sw205,
) San Diego Comic Con 2009 exclusive |
7879-1 Hoth Echo Base (2011 - Ep. V) limited edition| 738 p. (inv) 8 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, 2x Snowtrooper, Light Bluish Gray Hips, White Hands _sw115_, Luke Skywalker (Bacta Tank Outfit) _sw342_, Han Solo, Tan Legs with Holster Pattern, Parka Hood (7879) _sw343_, R-3PO _sw344_, 2-1B Medical Droid (7879) _sw345_, Princess Leia (Hoth Outfit, French Braid Hair) _sw346_ (
sw011a, sw115, sw342, sw343, sw344, sw345, sw346,
7958-1 Star Wars Advent Calendar (2011 - -) | 0 p. (inv) 8 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, R2-Q5 _sw213_, Nute Gunray _sw242_, TIE Defender Pilot _sw268_, Zev Senesca - Plain Helmet _sw354_, Clone Pilot (Clone Wars) with Black Head _sw355_, Yoda with Backpack (Santa Yoda) (7958) _sw358_, Battle Droid Pilot with Blue Torso with Tan Insignia and Straight Arm (7958) _sw360_ (
sw011a, sw213, sw242, sw268, sw360, sw354, sw355, sw358,
) Also inside a specal pack COMCON015 |
7965-1 Millennium Falcon (2011 - Ep. IV) | 1233 p. (inv) 6 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Darth Vader (White Pupils) _sw277_, Han Solo (7965) _sw334_, Luke Skywalker (7965) _sw335_, Obi-Wan Kenobi (7965) _sw336_, Princess Leia (7965) _sw337_ (
sw011a, sw277, sw334, sw335, sw336, sw337,
COMCON015-1 Star Wars Advent Calendar (SDCC 2011 pack) (2011 - -) promo limited edition| 0 p. (inv) 8 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, R2-Q5 _sw213_, Nute Gunray _sw242_, TIE Defender Pilot _sw268_, Zev Senesca - Plain Helmet _sw354_, Clone Pilot (Clone Wars) with Black Head _sw355_, Yoda with Backpack (Santa Yoda) (7958) _sw358_, Battle Droid Pilot with Blue Torso with Tan Insignia and Straight Arm (7958) _sw360_ (
sw011a, sw213, sw242, sw268, sw360, sw354, sw355, sw358,
) Same of 7958 (same box) but comes inside a special pack only in SDCC 2011 (limited to 1000) |
9516-1 Jabba's Palace (2012 - Ep. VI) | 717 p. (inv) 9 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Jabba The Hutt - Tan Face (Complete Assembly) _sw402_, Han Solo, Reddish Brown Legs without Holster Pattern (9516) _sw403_, Bib Fortuna - Bared Teeth (9516) _sw404_, Gamorrean Guard (9516) _sw405_, Oola (9516) _sw406_, Boushh (9516) _sw407_, Salacious B. Crumb (9516) _sw408_, B'Omarr Monk (9516 - Complete Assembly) _sw412_ (
sw011a, sw402, sw403, sw404, sw405, sw406, sw407, sw408, sw412,
) GER |
10236-1 Ewok Village (2013 - Ep. VI) | 1990 p. (inv) 17 minifig: Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) _sw011a_, Chief Chirpa (Ewok) _sw236_ , Logray (Ewok) _sw338_, C-3PO - Colorful Wires Pattern (9490) _sw365_, 2x Stormtrooper (Detailed Armor, Patterned Head, Dotted Mouth Pattern) (9489) _sw366_, Rebel Commando - Dark Tan Vest (9489) _sw367_, Han Solo (75003) _sw451_, Princess Leia (10236) _sw504_, 2x Scout Trooper _sw505_, Ewok Warrior (10236) _sw508_, Luke Skywalker (10236) _sw509_, Teebo (Ewok)_sw510_, Rebel Commando with Beard and Angry Dual Face _sw511_, R2-D2 (Flat Silver Head) _sw512_, Wicket (Ewok) with Tan Face Paint Pattern _sw513_ (
sw011a, sw236, sw338, sw365, sw366, sw367, sw451, sw504, sw505, sw508, sw509, sw509, sw511, sw512, sw513,
19 total